
Permanent radiation shielding and temporary radiation shielding are distinctions generally reserved for nuclear power plants.  Permanent radiation shielding is designed to provide dose reduction for the lifetime of the plant.  As a permanent installation, it is technically part of the plant and subject to the conditions and requirements of the plant’s operating license from the federal regulatory agency.  This means the shielding is subjected to meeting strict criteria that ensures plant health and safety.  Selection of materials, coatings, fasteners, installation, and fabrication methods are critical.  In addition, the shielding must undergo a formal engineering evaluation to ensure structural integrity if subjected to a seismic event.

Successful permanent radiation shielding projects require collaboration with several groups within a nuclear power facility including Radiation Protection, Engineering, Project Management, Craft (Installers), Maintenance, Operations, and sometimes Security.  The project is successful when the desired dose reduction is achieved, installation is performed safely and on-schedule, and the structure does not inhibit any work activities.  NPO has a long history of successful permanent radiation shielding projects at dozens of nuclear power plants.


Permanent radiation shielding and temporary radiation shielding are distinctions generally reserved for nuclear power plants.  Permanent radiation shielding is designed to provide dose reduction for the lifetime of the plant.  As a permanent installation, it is technically part of the plant and subject to the conditions and requirements of the plant’s operating license from the federal regulatory agency.  This means the shielding is subjected to meeting strict criteria that ensures plant health and safety.  Selection of materials, coatings, fasteners, installation, and fabrication methods are critical.  In addition, the shielding must undergo a formal engineering evaluation to ensure structural integrity if subjected to a seismic event.

Successful permanent radiation shielding projects require collaboration with several groups within a nuclear power facility including Radiation Protection, Engineering, Project Management, Craft (Installers), Maintenance, Operations, and sometimes Security.  The project is successful when the desired dose reduction is achieved, installation is performed safely and on-schedule, and the structure does not inhibit any work activities.  NPO has a long history of successful permanent radiation shielding projects at dozens of nuclear power plants.

Permanent Radiation Shielding Applications

Oconee Heat Exchanger Skid Shielding

IMG_1385IMG_1391HX Skid Shielding Survey Results


Brunswick Permanent Valve Shield Box

Magnetic T-Flex tiles attached to steel frame and secured with cable ties Brunswick Nuclear Station had a valve that was causing a room to be a locked high radiation...

Primary Sample Panel Shielding

South Texas Project had long used lead wool blankets to shield their Primary Sample Panel, an area of the site within Chemistry that sees a lot of traffic. These...

Heat Exchanger Shielding – Permanent Installation

As part of a long-term dose reduction plan, Ameren Callaway sought to install permanent shielding around one of their regen heat exchangers. The intention was to replace the dozens of...

Permanent Pipe Shielding for Davis-Besse

NPO was brought on to provide shielding for Mechanical Penetrations Room No. 1 at Davis-Besse. This room featured a variety of pipe runs with many valves, bends, and reductions...

Shielded Filter Casks

NPO worked closely with AVANTech in designing a set of three shielded casks that reduced dose from 26,000-30,000 mRem/hr (260,000-300,000 μSv/hr) to less than 60 mRem/hr (600 μSv/hr) on...