Category: Uncategorized

Oconee Heat Exchanger Skid Shielding

BEFORE AFTER Oconee Nuclear Station contacted NPO to develop a permanent shielding solution for the Supplemental Spent Fuel Cooling Heat Exchanger. The heat exchanger is located inside the truck bay with one side exposed to the main truck bay door at the Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) boundary. The ALARA planners at Oconee wanted a permanent […]

Dry Cask Shielding Package

In 2019, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, purchased an array of shielding from NPO for their spent fuel storage campaign. This package included a transfer cask shield bell, canister shield ring, and annulus gap shielding. All of these items contributed to greatly reduced dose rates for both gamma and neutron radiation. Shield bells are a single-pick […]

Vertical Storage Cask Gap Shielding

“Discrete exposure savings listed at 41 mrem [410 μSv]. However, the shielding also provided critical radiological configuration control during this high profile first time evolution.” -Timothy Bigler, Point Beach Nuclear Point Beach was set to perform a Vertical Storage Cask inspection and required shielding for the VCC/MSB gap created when the shield ring was removed. […]